Friday, June 10, 2011

Care of De Feet

After pounding out the mileage over the past spring getting ready for Grandma's Marathon next Saturday, I needed to do some doctoring of my feet the past week. One item I get (Don't know if it's age, bad shoes, or my slight pronation) each year as soon as the mileage goes up is corns.

I'm interested to see what others have tried, but there is one thing that seems to work for me. It's the small double round band aids that you can buy at any Walgreen's or CVS. No, it's doesn't matter if it says Dr. Scholl's, Johnson & Johnson or Billy Bob's corn-be-gone's. They all use the same medicine as far as I can tell on the package, but it's the delivery of the double band aid that does it (I think). I've tried Dr. Scholl's one-treatment, creams, ointments, etc. But only the double band aids seem to work.

Does anyone else have a home remedy that works?

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