Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week Eleven in Half Marathon Training Plan

You made it to the tapering phase of training for the Half Marathon. The next two weeks you will be tapering. I want to warn you that some of you might feel that this is too easy and that you might be losing some conditioning, and therefore try to do more than I'm recommending. Don't. These two weeks are just as important as the ten week base you've already put in. Don't blow it but trying to do too much.

Week Eleven program:

Sunday, Friday - off
Monday, 5 mile Easy Run (under 70% HRM)
Tuesday, 5 miles easy (under 70% HRM)
Wednesday - 7 miles Tempo (80-88% HRM) This you will do by warming up one mile under 70% MHR, then alternate between 2 minutes under 70% HRM and 10 minutes 80-88%, then again between 2 minutes under 70% HRM and 10 minutes 80-88%of your HRM, etc., to a distance of 6.5 miles and then a half mile cool down.

Thursday - 4 miles easy (under 70% HRM)

Saturday - 6 miles (under 70% first 8 miles, 70-80% last two miles)

You will no doubt feel more rested at the end of this week just from the mileage decrease. Watch your diet these last two weeks. Runners tend put to pick up weight from trying to store extra carbos for the race, but it is really unnecessary, you will get these from the drop in mileage, but not to the point of bloating yourself. Again, don't change anything in your diet by eating too much or cutting back. Just eat like you have for the past few weeks.

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