Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week Eight in Half Marathon Training Plan

Week 8 is the final week where you get a break from the long run until Week 11 where you start your taper for the race. Enjoy it while you can. That said, this week isn't a complete layoff week. You have four 6 milers. You should be able to do all of these by now since your base if very strong by now. No speed, no Tempo runs, just running. It doesn't get simpler than this, 6 milers on four days all done at an easy pace.

Week Eight program:

Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday - off
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday - 6 miles Easy Run (under 70% HRM)

If you are feeling guilty about the time off (I'm sure there are some of you that will) walk a 2 miler on any of the three days that you have off. Bike if you want for 30 minutes. But whatever you do, don't add another run in those 3 days. There is a method to this madness and running additional will not help you.

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