Wednesday, March 2, 2011

IPod Nano Improvements

With all the excitement today on the release of the iPad 2, some of you may have missed the new iOS that Apple released for the Nano last Sunday. I've downloaded it and love it.

One of the issues that I wrote about in my review of the Nano was that I hated the fact that there was no external speaker anymore. I found it valuable whenever I would pull my ear buds out of the Nano, heard the music/audiobook still playing and then make sure that I turned it off so that I wouldn't drain the battery dry. I can't tell you how many times in the past 6 months I have picked up my Nano just to find the battery dead.

Good news, runners. The latest iOS for the Nano will force it to sleep. After loading the new iOS, just hold down the sleep on/off button for a few seconds, and a small circle will start spinning, letting you know that your Nano is getting shut down. Hold it down again for a few seconds and you will see it 'wake up' from the sleep mode. Long overdue enhancement.

An additional feature that was added was the ability to double click the sleep button, and it will advance to the next song. I realize you can do this from the face of the Nano, but this does it with or without the screen being lite. Again, another nice feature.

With these changes I'm willing to upgrade the new Nano over my last review, but still not to a perfect score. I did like the external speaker and video that the earlier Nano had. But this is a definite improvement.

For any of you interested in upgrading your Nano, just pull it into iTunes and follow the instructions to upgrade the operating system. Let me know if any of you find additional features that I missed.

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