I'm getting feedback on the music that runners are listening to, but I'm also interested to see what type of MP3 player that people use. The market is flooded with them.
According to Consumer's Search, here are the five best MP3 players for runners:
-Apple iPod Nano
-Apple iPod iTouch
-Microsoft Zune HD
-Sony X Series Walkman
-SanDisk Sansa Clip+
They didn't include the iPhone, but I think that they probably would put that in the –Apple iPod iTouch category. I actually ran with that for a while, but would always forget to put it in Airport Mode, so I would either get the phone call or 'Ding' when a text or email would come in.
The Apple iPod Shuffle also didn't make this list but I have hear that with its 'speak to me' function that announces songs, playlist, etc. that it has been a favorite for a lot of people.
I've tried the Zune but I couldn't get used to the music manager. In fact whenever I run into a music manager that you need a 48 page (or more) manual, I am automatically turned off. Simple is better.
Although I'd tried a number of MP3 players, I've always come back to the Nano. It's changed over the year in style and size but its function has remained pretty consistent (except for adding radio, Genus Playlist and now video). It's simple, can hold up to 16G of songs, and I have played with the video function on it, but seriously does anyone really watch movies on this thing?
I also own an iPod iTouch, but that is for watching movies, playing at parties, fishing trips, vacations, etc... I have separated my active parts of the days between the two players in this way. If I'm driving, doing something around the house, or taking a walk, it's the iTouch. Nano gets all my running time.
That also dictates what I put on each player – Audiobooks, Movies, Music, Podcasts, Pictures, and Games and of course, Apps – end up on the iTouch. The Nano only gets music and the occasional Audiobook or Podcast series that I am following that week.
But I'm interested to see what other use to listen to music when running. Or even from the purist that believe you shouldn't listen to music when you run. Either way let me know your preferred MP3 player and I will get a tally out to all readers.
By the way – starting Saturday, I will be publishing a 12 Week Blog on preparing to run a sub-2 Hour Half Marathon. If you're interested, look for it each Saturday afternoon, when I will give you the 'To-Dos' for that week schedule in getting you ready for a Spring Half Marathon.